Upcoming Events

We created the SLOT SLAYER CLUB for our membership to have a great time and there is no better way to do that than having different types of theme-based parties – what we call Jackpot Parties! At our parties there is always great music, dancing, singing, drinking, fun and contests. Plus, great giveaways, sampling of new products and some special appearances by special people. We're not promoting gambling at our events, what we are doing is building comradery among our membership which allows for new friendships, business marketing or just plain having fun!
Nothing more than good people having a good time in a very cost-effective way. The smiles and laughs are on you - the cost is on us!
You will see when you attend that they are the Jackpot of all Parties!
We run about 4 to 6 events a year and they are centrally located on where we get the most interested from our members. As stated before most of the events are ‘FREE’ as long as you’re a current member. There are always special guests at our events and at every event you will get to engage with the elegant DIAMOND DIVA, TP the conversationalist, the always jovial -Deacon of Dining ™ and we always get SLOT SLAYER to make an appearance in some form or another to help motivate, stimulate, and entice the crowd with his Slot Smarts ™! You will always see yours truly as the MC for all the events!
That is how the SLOT SLAYER CLUB Events are different. Each of our events is a Celebration! We celebrate who we are as people under the belief that life is short and unpredictable so smile laugh and enjoy as much as you can, as long as you can! Each year as our membership grows into the thousands, we have more leverage to negotiate great deals or savings for our members. Plus, we are getting so well-known and so powerful in numbers that sponsorships are stepping forward to host our events. That’s the ultimate Jackpot! Why? Because it allows SLOT SLAYER CLUB Members to attend many events for FREE! As an added BONUS free products are also given away at our events along with cash and prizes. PLUS, we are working with major casinos across the country to give our membership that play slots the extra treatment that they deserve as a V.I.S.P. (Very Important Slot Player) because they are part of the SLOT SLAYER CLUB.